Flowers in Felt & Stitch - (Open Access Online Course)


Learn the processes and techniques for creating your own felted artwork through this open access online course, guided by Moy.

Each pre-recorded lesson will guide you through additional techniques that support you to increase your technical ability while developing your own artistic style.

For more information and registration click here.

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Course Structure

Lesson 1

Lesson 1 will concentrate on gathering reference materials (to work from in Lesson 2 onwards), taking photos, visual diaries, sketch and scrap books. The fundamentals of any good artwork is preparation, consideration and forward planning.

Lessons 2-4

Lessons 2-4 cover various stages of creating a still life concentrating on specific areas starting with the background and working forward.


Lessons 5-6

Lessons 5 and 6 focus on embellishment in the way of needle felting, machine and hand stitch. Each of the processes are shown in both video, illustrated instructions as well as downloadable pdf instructions for each lesson.

Additional Information

This is a scheduled course which means it has a start and finish date. Lessons are issued every Tuesday. In addition to this there are hourly webinars every Monday starting at 7pm (BST) throughout the course for students to touch base with Moy and fellow students. All the webinars are recorded and available for students to listen back if they cannot attend.

This course demonstrates many examples of how to approach creating a still life in felt. As it is not a step-by-step project as such it is hoped students will develop their own style over the 6 weeks to create work that is unique to them.